Local Cleaning Services
Local Cleaning Services

At A&D Cleaning Services, we believe that a clean space is a healthy space. We are dedicated to providing professional and reliable cleaning solutions to our valued customers. Our 15+ years of experience have given us the expertise to ensure that we deliver top-notch services that exceed our clients' expectations.


Let us help you create a clean and hygienic environment for your office or commercial space, so you can focus on what matters most to you.


We understand that cleaning can be a daunting task. That's why we want to take that burden off your shoulders. Our team of experts is equipped with the necessary tools and skills to tackle any cleaning job, no matter how big or small.

Local Cleaning Company

We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and our commitment to providing exceptional Local Cleaning Services that meet our clients' needs. Whether you need office cleaning in South Jersey or want your retail store's floors cleaned in Montgomery County, PA, we are the right team for the job. 


When you partner with us for your conscious cleaning efforts, you can expect:

  • Eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products from the industry’s most trusted brands
  • Full-service cleaning from top to bottom
  • Professional, friendly service
  • Free estimates
  • Easy, convenient scheduling
  • Affordable pricing


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